KINEMUS is an animation duo based in Berlin, the 2Dx3D hybrid amalgamation of directors Michelle Brand and Toby Auberg. Together, we’re exploring curious corners of animation, feeding our obsession for visual music and abstract characters, and developing super-mega mysterious unique techniques.

We mix styles and mediums - physical and digital, 2D and 3D, simulation and illustration, procedural systems and frame-by-frame, strokes and polygons - crafting some real ethereal moving pictures and vivid virtual worlds.
Whew enough now, please say hi!

Michelle Brand is a 2D frame-by-frame animation filmmaker who enjoys visualising abstract ideas in abstract ways across a wide range of aesthetics. She is completely obsessed with geometric shapes, straight lines and perfectly round circles.

Her latest film 'Any Instant Whatever' was longlisted for an Oscar, received a Norman McLaren Award, a Motion Award and won best Animation at Raindance, amongst screening at many other festivals, including Annecy.

Toby Auberg (Toberg) is a filmmaker and 3D artist who's all about the unusual ways and means of making moving pictures with the computer machine.

His RCA grad-film 'Pile' got into Cannes, won a jury crystal from Annecy, and nabbed 'Best-of-the-Year' on Vimeo. His work has been featured on It's-Nice-That, Stash, Short-of-the-Week, Motionographer, and Directors Notes.

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